BMW 330D 3.0L M Sport Touring Tuning | Unichip Europe.

  • It's tough to keep up with the sheer amount of vehicle's we tune in our Basildon - Based tuning headquarters. Today, we're sharing with you tastefully modified BMW 330D Estate - that, thanks to Unichip Europe & our talented team of tuners, is now pushing around 300 HP.
  • It's 3.0L Inline 6 engine sang to the tune of 228 HP from factory, delivering an impress 136HP per Tonne from the estate spec. Time reached to 0 - 62 MPH was around 6.8 seconds, impressive compared to the 2017 3.0L Maserati Levante's 0 - 60 MPH time of 6.7 seconds over a decade later...
  • Nevertheless. We're here to talk about how the Unichip Module smaller than a slice of toast managed to extract almost 300 HP from a BMW 3 series with a hybrid turbo & a few minor engine mods... 

unichip module installed onto a bmw 330d 3.0l inline 6

(Above:  The Unichip is mounted discreetly next to the stock ECU...)

The BMW / Turbo Tuning Process

  • Unichip Europe stock and supply a range of Unichip Modules, for different applications. In this instance, the Unichip Q was sufficient as the client requested 2 maps: High Boost and Low Boost. In other instances, the Unichip X Module is used - slightly more technologically advanced and capable of holding up to 5 programmed maps. 
  • Once the Unichip Module was hardwired between the vehicle's existing ECU and Engine Sensors, it was off to our DynoDynamics in house 4WD rolling road for a live tuning session. 

bmw 330d touring hybrid turbo unichip europe  bmw 330d unichip europe brake calipers in purple

(Above: Carry all 5 family members & terrify them at the same time with a hybrid turbo and the tune to back it... | Look at those purple calipers!)

  • This 3.0L Inline 6 330D Estate is home to a hybrid turbo - a combination of a high speed turbine-generator and a high speed electric air compressor. As many of you will know already, the only way to get the most out of your engine modifications is with specialist tuning. Many opt for a standalone / aftermarket ECU, but for more "lightly" modified vehicles, a piggyback ECU such as the Unichip is the perfect cost effective substitute.

bmw 330d m sport 3.0l touring unichip front shot

  • The Unichip Module is able to accommodate for a myriad of engine performance modifications. So if you're local-ish to Basildon or leave in the South East of the UK and are considering getting your BMW 330D 3.0L tuned, the Unichip might be the answer to your boost-y dreams....  

BMW Unichip Tuning | The Results.

  • The result? 294.7 HP on the High Boost Map, and 243.3 HP on Low Boost. 
  • Those of you who know anything about engine tuning will know that total horsepower output is one of the least useful metrics in our arsenal. On high boost, we managed to extract over 530 FT-LBs (718.5 Nm) @ 2,400 RPM - from a 3.0L inline 6 engine... 
  • On low boost, a sizeable 460 FT-LBs of Torque is still available @ 2,600 RPM.... "Low Boost".

BMW 330D Touring 3.0L 2006 Unichip Dyno Print out High Boost Low Boost Turbo tuning

(Above: Impressive figures. A direct print out of the BMW's Dyno results | Smooth Line = Horsepower, Dotted = Torque...)

  • So, there it is. If you're looking to get your modified BMW tuned in the south-east of the UK, Unichip Europe are the go - to. Using the Unichip Module, our tuner's have access to over 55,000+ tuning tables across the entire rev range, allowing us to create a truly refined tune and the fraction of the cost of an aftermarket / standalone ECU module.
  • The cost? Supplied, fitted and tuned = £650, VAT inclusive. Can you put a price on a good time? Apparently, now you can.


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